Our Curriculum

Thrive After-school Sanctuary offers enrichment programmes to all students. One enrichment programme is conducted on each day of the week during regular academic terms. Children who do not take Mandarin as a second language in school are exempted from the Chengzhu Mandarin Centre Language Skills and Mandarin Expression programmes.
Julia Gabriel Centre Speech
Communication Arts Programme
(1½ hours weekly)
The Julia Gabriel Centre Speech Communication Arts programmes have a long track record of over 30 years and has enabled thousands of primary school-aged children to build their expressive speaking ability, presentation skills and interpersonal communication through drama, speech work and literacy activities.
Julia Gabriel Centre
Think N’ Ink Programme
(1½ hours weekly)
The Julia Gabriel Centre Think N’ Ink programme is carefully structured to help children succeed in school and meet the standards expected of primary students by the Singapore Ministry of Education. It focuses on key literacy skills such as comprehension and composition through a text-type approach, with an increasing emphasis on written responses to stories.
Chengzhu Mandarin Centre
Language Skills Programme
Primary 1 to 4 (2 hours weekly)
The Language Skills programme from Chengzhu Mandarin Centre supports students in reaching the standards expected for the Singapore Ministry of Education’s primary school Mandarin curriculum. This programme enables children to progressively add colour and depth to their existing Mandarin communication skills.
Chengzhu Mandarin Centre
Mandarin Expressions Programme
Primary 5 & 6 (2 hours weekly)
Mandarin Expressions supports students in
meeting the requirements of the Ministry of
Education’s Primary 5 and 6 Chinese curriculum
whilst cultivating the condence to express
themselves uently in the language.
Acer Academy
Mathematics Programme
(1½ hours weekly)
‘Unlock the World of Mathematics’ is a quality mathematics programme dedicated to nurturing young mathematical minds, offering a comprehensive curriculum designed to instill a deep understanding and appreciation of mathematics.
KIDSmoov Building
Stronger Champions Programme
(45 minutes weekly)
The KIDSmoov Building Stronger Champions programme is designed to cater to the growing physical development needs of primary school students, focusing on enhancing their gross motor skills, physical strength, flexibility, endurance and stamina.